our legalities

Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure


Innova Law Limited (“Innova Law”) is committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients. Whenever you feel something has gone wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards and more importantly we want to keep the trust you placed in us when you instructed us.



If you have a concern or a complaint about our service we have provided or a bill that we have raised, please contact us as soon as you are aware of the problem so this can be addressed.



There are many complaints which can be resolved by a discussion to set out where it is perceived that things could have been better or have not gone as expected. We are an open, personable firm and used to working in situations where feedback and constructive criticisms are taken as an opportunity to right things done wrong and improve things for the future. There will be no charges raised for a discussion to try and resolve complaints about our service.



Step 1

Please set out your complaint in writing and deliver it to the principal of Innova Law: Mr Keiron Murray, Innova Law, 16-18 Finch Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 1PT or email to keiron@innovalaw.im

Your complaint should set out:-

  • What you think has gone wrong, wherever possible providing times and dates and copy documents;
  • What in your opinion can or should be done to address the immediate problem.

Step 2

On receipt of the complaint we will then consider and investigate your complaint. This will normally involve reviewing the circumstances and considering the complaint you have set out in the in writing.

Step 3

We will write to you with our initial conclusions within 14 days of receipt of the written complaint (“Initial Response”) and invite you for a meeting.

Step 4

If after your receipt of the Initial Response you do not want a meeting or it is not possible, we will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including our suggestions for resolving the matter, within 28 days of you indicating or it being established that a meeting is not wanted or possible (“Detailed Response”).

Step 5

If after receipt of the Detailed Response you remain dissatisfied, you should contact us again to explain why you remain unhappy with our response (“Review Request”). Upon receipt of the Review Request we will arrange for another law firm to review your comments. We have arrangements with two other law firms to act on Review Requests.

Step 6

The reviewing law firm will write to you within 28 days of receiving a Review Request, confirming a final position on determination of your complaint and explaining reasons (“Final Response”).

Step 7

If you are still not satisfied, you can then contact the Isle of Man Law Society at 13 Mount Havelock, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2QG or call 01624 662910 about your complaint.

Any complaint to the Law Society must usually be made within six months of your receiving the Final Response from us about your complaint.

The Law Society has supplied further guidance on its service at https://iomlawsociety.co.im/complaints/


If we must change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.


Innova Law is the registered business name of Innova Law Limited (Isle of Man company no. 021146v), an incorporated legal practice in the Isle of Man with its registered office address at Ground Floor, 16-18 Finch Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2PT, the address from which it operates.  

Innova Law is regulated by the Isle of Man Law Society, and we maintain the required professional indemnity insurance.